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Portland, OR, 97209


Colorado trip

James Kellerman

The trip to Colorado was relatively uneventful except for the continuously awful fast food that has left me feeling lethargic and possibly even jaundiced. The highlight of the trip was finding a pace to stay in the fantastic Rock Springs, WY. We had driven through till 2am in order to get to the highly recommended town of Rock Springs, only to find that a town with a population of 6000 and more than 15 hotels did not have a single room free. After roaming the various pale flourescent lobbies of the Comfort/quality/holiday inn we discovered that the much loved Haliburton and BP had block booked all the rooms for some nearby oil project. After a long debate of what we should do next, the eventual outcome of which is that we would keep driving. I went to buy enough red bull to kill said animal and caffeine myself up for a long night drive. At this point an off the cuff comment was our salvation. I made some flippant remark to the cashier about the availability of rooms in Rock Springs, at which point Dora the cashier, leaped into action, or more realistically thumbed into action. Rifling through the phone book with rarely seen vigor, dialing the phone with an agility of a much younger woman until she had found us a room at the Economy Village Inn. Giving our profuse thanks and wondering what we were now going to do with a 6 pack of redbull we followed the fluorescent highlighted line across the map Dora had provided to the salubrious accommodations of the Economy Village. It turns out the economy was somewhat a misnomer, at $100 per room there was yet another debate as to our course of action. I felt like Alexander faced with the Gordian knot or probably more appropriately a cat herder. Eventually we managed to get one room with a sufficient number of beds for the whole company, four. The cabin here is very cute, in a way that I hate, but is no doubt charming to those who enjoy dried fruit baskets indifferent art/photos and rusticy stuff. The best part of the place is the wonderful retro technology, I get to use a VHS last night to watch Raiders of the Lost Ark. You have to rewind the tape and then its fuzzy and every now and again you get these amazing lines going up the screen. It took me back to my youth! The sleeping accommodation here also leaves a little ot be desired. I dont really fit in the bunk bed, and the ceilings are at a dangerously low level for one of my stature, I ended up trying unsuccessfully to sleep on the couch last night. I think we may ned to renegotiate the sleeping situation again, my deepest cunning will be required. For some reason the wifi at the cabin hates my laptop, so I have just walked three and a half miles in the heat of the Colorado summer in order to find that jsut about every cafe in town is wifi free.